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Total birdfeet in this department: 48
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Species search: Artic Tern Baltimore Oriole Barn Owl Bittern Black Headed Gull Blackbird Bufflehead Bunting Canvasback Cardinal Common Buzzard Common Gull Common Plover Coot Corn Crake Crow Dipper Dotterel Doves Dowitcher Duck Ducks Falcons Feral Pigeon Fieldfare Finch Game birds Geese Golden Plover Goldfinch Goose Great Grey Shrike Great Tit Greater Spotted Woodpecker Green Heron Green Shank Green Woodpecker Greenfinch Grouse Hawfinch Hawk Hedge Sparrow Herring Gull Hoopoe House Sparrow Jay Kestrel Kingfisher Kittiwake Knot Lapwing Larks Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Grey Shrike Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Magpie Mallard Mandarin Meadowlark Mini Duck Mini Goose Mini Pelican Mistle/Song Thrush Nuthatch Owl Oyster Catcher Partridge Peregrine Falcon Pheasant Pigeon Pipit Pippets Plover Pochard Puffin Quail Red Leg Partridge Red Tail Hawk Redshank Redstart Redwing Ringed Ouzel Ringneck Pheasant Roadrunner Robin Ruff Sanderling Sandpiper Scops Owl Shrike Small Diving Ducks Snipe Sparrowhawk Starling Stonechat Tawny Eagle Tawny Owl Teal Thrush Tit family Tree Sparrow Tufted Duck Turn Stone Turtle Dove Wading birds Wagtail Water Rail Waxing Wheatear Whinchat Wigeon Wood Duck Wood Pigeon Woodchat Woodcock Woodpecker Woodpigeon Wrens Yellow legs
Tarsus length: - 8-10mm 11-13mm 14-20mm 21-25mm 26-30mm 31-35mm 36-40mm 41-45mm 46-55mm 56-60mm 61mm+
With a tarsus measurement of approximately 35mm these feet can be used for a variety of birds including Jay and MagpiesPewter Bird feet for Jay and Magpie
Code: BF102 £11.95
LAST CHANCE TO BUY - LIMITED STOCK - With a tarsus measurement of approximately 34mm these feet can be used for a variety of birds including Red-legged PartridgeRed Leg Partridge and Quail Pewter Bird Feet
Code: BF104 £11.95
With a tarsus measurement of approximately 45mm these feet can be used for large HawksHawk Pewter Bird Feet
Code: BF105 £23.95
LAST CHANCE TO BUY - LIMITED STOCK - With a tarsus measurement of approximately 34mm these feet can be used for a variety of birds including Small Diving Ducks and BuffleheadSmall Diving Ducks and Bufflehead Pewter Bird Feet
Code: BF106 £23.95
LAST CHANCE TO BUY - LIMITED STOCK - With a tarsus measurement of approximately 33mm these feet can be used for a variety of birds including Large Duck and CanvasbackLarge Duck and Canvasback Pewter Bird Feet
Code: BF107 £19.95
LAST CHANCE TO BUY - LIMITED STOCK - With a tarsus measurement of approximately 20mm these feet can be used for a variety of birds including Waxwing and HawfinchWaxing and Hawfinch Pewter Bird Feet
Code: BF110 £9.95
LAST CHANCE TO BUY - LIMITED STOCK - With a tarsus measurement of approximately 13mm these feet can be used for a variety of birds including Wren, Great Tit, Yellow Hammer and most Finches and Tree Creeper.Tits and Finch Pewter Bird Feet
Code: BF111 £9.95
LAST CHANCE TO BUY - LIMITED STOCK - With a tarsus measurement of approximately 45mm these feet can be used for a variety of birds including most PartridgePartridge Pewter Bird Feet
Code: BF112 £13.95
LAST CHANCE TO BUY - LIMITED STOCK - With a tarsus measurement of approximately 40mm these feet can be used for a variety of birds including Hawks and FalconsPeregrine Falcon and Hawk Pewter Bird Feet
Code: BF113 £28.95